

Hotel Lindenhof

Buchen Sie Ihr Hotel in Thyrnau: 



Hotel Lindenhof

Kurpromenade 12
94136 Thyrnau
Bayern (Passau)

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Das Hotel Lindenhof. Geborgenheit und Freiheit an einem Ort. Zu finden zwischen Passau und Bayerischer Wald.Er liegt am Kellberg oberhalb der Dreiflüssestadt Passau und markiert den Beginn der Mittelgebirgsregion des Bayerischen Waldes: Der Lindenhof. Das Hotel unter der alten Linde des Ortes steht, wie schon die Linde als Baum in vielen Sagen und Legenden, für Schutz aber auch für viel Entdeckergeist. Diese Kombination bietet Freiräume für die Erfüllung Ihrer Wünsche, nach denen Sie sich sehnen werden! Für kulturelles Stadtleben genauso wie für eine Vielzahl an Natur- und Sportaktivitäten. Mit uns tauchen Sie auch kulinarisch ein in eine Vielfalt, die das Dreiländereck parat hält und nicht jeder kennt: Zusammen mit den Lindenhof-Partnerbetrieben haben wir eine Entdeckungstour für Sie entwickelt, die Sie mit unseren Halb- und Vollpensionsangeboten wie von selbst erleben. Rezeptionszeiten:Mo. - Fr.: von 07:00 bis 21:00 UhrSa. und So.: von 07:00 bis 21:00 Uhr.

The Hotel Lindenhof. Security and freedom in one place. Found between Passau and Bavaria. He is on Kellberg above the three-river city of Passau, and marks the beginning of the central mountain region of the Bavarian Forest: The Lindenhof. The hotel of the place under the old lime tree stands, as was the linden tree in as many myths and legends, for conservation and for much the spirit of discovery. This combination provides scope for the fulfillment of your desires, which you will crave! For cultural city life as well as for a variety of nature and sports activities. With us you can immerse yourself in culinary in a variety that keeps ready the triangle and not everyone knows: Along with the Linden-partner firms, we have developed a discovery tour for you that you are experiencing with our half and full board options as saying.The Hotel Lindenhof. Security and freedom in one place. Found between Passau and Bavaria. He is on Kellberg above the three-river city of Passau, and marks the beginning of the central mountain region of the Bavarian Forest: The Lindenhof. The hotel of the place under the old lime tree stands, as was the linden tree in as many myths and legends, for conservation and for much the spirit of discovery. This combination provides scope for the fulfillment of your desires, which you will crave! For cultural city life as well as for a variety of nature and sports activities. With us you can immerse yourself in culinary in a variety that keeps ready the triangle and not everyone knows: Along with the Linden-partner firms, we have developed a discovery tour for you that you are experiencing with our half and full board options as saying.The elegant family-run AKZENT Hotel Lindenhof is tastefully arranged and offers personal ambience. Our comfortable rooms ensure relaxation and recreation and feature shower/WC, hair-dryer, cosmetic mirror, sat-TV, telephone, WLAN internet access, min-bar and balcony. Our wellness area will invite you to enjoy is recreative facilities. Business hours of reception:On business days: from 07:00 to 21:00On the weekend: from 07:00 to 21:00.


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